Saturday, February 3, 2007

Tajallee: being grateful

Some time ago, I provided a couple or so translations of the short works of Shah Baleeguddin, published in his book: “Tajallee“. This is a continuation of that effort. Shah Baleeghuddin was a very welcome speaker on Islam and society, He spoke in Urdu on Pakistani radio and TV during the Zia years, but vanished to the Arabian Peninsuala for his business and professional work. He published a book called “Roshni’, and then this “Tajallee” in Urdu, based on his speaches. I think he may be a consultant on Islamic issues, but at the moment I do not have any definite news of him. Anyway, read and enjoy:

Sultan Tughral was a king - no ordinary king, a great king. Allah (swt) had blessed him many qualities fit for a king, like courage, enterprise, together with intellect and wisdom. He worked hard as well. He was king, but he was not given to enjoyment and pleasures of the flesh. He kept at improving the lot of his subjects, because he had taqwa, the fear of being held to account by Allah (swt).

One night he went on his round of the city, to find out the state of his subjects. It was winter, but he did not change his routine of finding out for himself. He returned late from his round, and found that the security guard at his private quarters was shivering with cold. The Sultan stopped by the guard, talked to him with affection and warmth, and told him he would immediately send warm clothing to him.

The guard became happy, and prayed duas for the Sultan’s long life. Virtue never goes waste. It always produces good results. However, the good deeds that are done for showing off, do go waste, even cause adverse result in the Hereafter.

When the Sultan reached his palace, he quickly wrote down his diary, and his orders to the wazeer and (Prime Minister) and the Chief of Police. He dealt with a few other necessary items, and got so busy that he forgot the promise made to the guard.

The guard was counting every second that any moment now he will reseive warm clothing, and will escape the biting cold. We are told not to give false hope to any one. False hope is even worse than other lies. Sign of a good Muslim’s is that not only does he fulfil good expectations of himself, but also gives more than his due. The last Prophet of Allah is reported to have said that this is a great quality in one. Receiving more than expected always makes a person greatly happy. This was the Sunnah of the leader of the Prophets. When he promised something, he always provided more than his promise. Silmilarly, when he took a loan from someone, he always returned more than he had taken in loan.

Sultan Tughral finished his work, and went to bed, and slept immediately. He was too tired.

Man can forget. He can put off promises. He can lie. He can deceive. But Allah (swt) is not like that. He remembers everyone. The Sultan was a man, and he forgot his promise. But Allah reminded him of the promise. How? A man came to him in his dream, and said:

“O Sultan! your bed is very soft and very warm! Be thankful to Allah that He has given you such blessings”.

The Sultan said to him: “I am always thanking Allah. I am not vain or proud of my wealth, power and strength. I know that those who give themselves airs for these, soon receive a jolt.”

The man in the dream said: “Tughral! had you been really grateful to Allah, you would not have left that guard waiting for warm clothes.”

The Sultan immediately woke up from his dream, got warm clothes, went to the guard, helped him put on his warm clothing, and apologised for the delay.

The Sunnah of the Prophet is that that one should not feel vanity on receiving Allah’s blessings, but should be grateful to Allah by helping His other creation. This is what Allah likes much:

wallahu uhibbul Muhsineen
Allah likes those who are very kind.

Freedom from noise

There is a great deal of talk on freedom of speech. I submit that there is another freedom, too - the freedom from noise. I mean one should be free from what one doesn't want to hear, like spam. This is why I have turned on the moderation on the comments here. So I can filter out the spam, the noise.

Sorry, those who made noise. Others, who made constructive comments, have had their comments published.

Caution and Comments

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