Saturday, April 11, 2009

Quranee Urdu, or Urdu words from the Quran

The easier it is here, the more difficult it will be in the Hereafter

we born Muslims did not have to struggle with having to search for the truth, except may be in a superficial way. Being brought up as Muslims we could always see the wrong in other aqeedas. There is a downside, for all will be asked what action they took on the knowledge they possessed.

Some take it to mean we should not try to gain knowledge - if we do not know, we won't be asked about it, but that is wrong. We will be taken to task for not trying to learn.

Those who understand Arabic will have a harder time. Those of us who have a language close to Arabic, will also have to explain why we did not try to learn it.

Subhanallah. There is good news for those who can understand, read and write Urdu:

Urdu is similar to Hindi. Both were indistinguishable, except for the script. Urdu became closer to Arabic because of incorporating the script, but retaining a few letters of the alphabet for sounds peculiar to its Indian origin.

A book called "Quranee Urdu" has just come out by Col. Aashiq Hussain. He has spent his life in the education corps, with Urdu, Arabic and linguistics as his passion. He claims that 94% of the words in the Quran are in use in Urdu in some derived form or the other (sometimes the meanings are different from the Quranic ones).

The book is actually an encyclopedia, although small as encyclopedias go. In the first of its three parts, the author takes a root word of the Quran, and shows its various transformations or similarities in Urdu, with an example from an Urdu couplet for the use. This part forms the major portion of the book. The second part contains those Quranic words which have not been incorporated in Urdu. And the third part is just two pages of pronouns and huroofe jarr.

As a test I took a list of Arabic verbs (some repeated in the list or different meanings), and tried to write out any related Urdu word that immediately came to mind. See what you can make of it:

English pronunciation Arabic usage in Urdu

accept qabela قبل qubool, maqbool
advise nasaha نصح naseehat
allow samaha سمح
appear dahara ظهر zahir
arrive wasala وصل wisaal
attach rabata ربط rabita
bake khabaza خبز
beat daraba ضرب zarb
begin bada’a بدأ abadaul abaad
bind rabata ربط marboot
bleed nazafa نزف
blow nafakha نفخ
break kasara كسر kasr
burn haraqa-sharp h حرق
calculate hasaba حسب hisaaab
carry hamala حمل hamal, hamila
chew madagha مضغ
collect jama'a جمع jama, jamay
copy nasakha نسخ naskh, nasikh
crawl zahafa زحف
cross 'abara عبر ibrat
cut jaraha جرح jarah, jarrah
dance raqasa رقص raqs, raqqaas
deliver naqala نقل naql
describe wasafa وصف wasf
detect kashafa كشف kashf, kashif
dig hafara حفر
dislike kareha كره kirahat
do ‘amala عمل a`mal
draw rasama رسم rasm (tradition)
dream halama حلم hilm, haleem
dress labesa لبس libaas
drink shareba شرب sharaab, sharbat
earn kasaba كسب kasb
eat akala أكل
enter dakhala دخل dakhl, dakhil
escape haraba هرب
explain sharaha شرح sharh
fall saqata سقط saqit
feel sha’ara شعر sha`ir
find wajada وجد wajd, wajid
follow tabe'a تبع taba`y
forsake hajara هجر hijr, hijrat
freeze jamada جمد jamid, jumood

go dahaba ذهب
grind tahana طحن
guard harasa حرس
hit daraba ضرب darb
hurt jaraha جرح jarah, jarrh
joke mazaha مزح mezaah
jump qafaza قفز
kill qatala قتل qatl
kneel raka’a ركع ruko`o
know ‘arafa عرف urf, urfiat
laugh daheka ضحك tazheek
lay raqada رقد
leap wathaba (th as in thin) وثب
leave taraka ترك
let go, left taraka ترك tark
lie kathaba (th as in that) كذب kazib
listen same'a سمع sama`a, sama`y
look nadara نظر nazr, nazzara
lose khasera خسر
make sana’a صنع sana`at, sana`y, masnua`at
mean kasada قصد qasd, qased
murder qatala قتل qatl, qatil
obtain hasala حصل hasil
open fataha فتح fath, fateh, maftooh
pay dafa’a دفع
permit adena أذن izn, azaan
place wada'a وضع waz`a
plant zara'a زرع zira`at
play la'eba لعب lahw wa la`ab
prevent mana'a منع man`a, mana`y, mamno`o
promise wa'ada وعد wada`a
push dafa'a دفع dafa`a, dafa`y
put wada’a وضع waza`a
reach wasala وصل wisl, wisaal
read qara’a قرأ
refuse rafada رفض
regret nadema ندم nadim, nidamat
request talaba طلب talb, taleb
ride rakeba ركب rakaab
rise nahada نهض
rule hakama حكم hukm, hukumat
run rakada ركض
saw nashara نشر
scream sarakha صرخ
search bahatha (th as in thin) بحث
seek bahasa بحث bahays
show ‘arada عرض `arz, `arzee,
sink gharaqa غرق gharq
sit jalasa جلس jalsa, majlis
slay dabaha ذبح zibah,
sneeze 'atasa عطس
spill dalaqa دلق
spit basaqa بصق
split qasama قسم qasm
spread nashara نشر nashr, nasher, manshoor
squeeze 'asara عصر asr, asre hazir
stand waqafa وقف waqf, waqif
steal saraqa سرق masrooqa
sting lasa’a لسع
strike daraba ضرب zarb
succeed najaha نجح related: nijaat
swear halafa حلف halaf
sweep masaha مسح masah
thank shakara شكر shukr, mashkoor, shukria
think fakkara فكر fikr, afkaar
thrive najaha نجح
touch lamasa لمس lams
understand fahema فهم fahm, tafheem
wash ghasala غسل ghusl
wear labesa لبس libaas
win rabeha ربح
work 'amela عمل `aml
worry qaleqa قلق qalq
write kataba كتب ketaab, kateb, maktoob

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