Monday, July 18, 2005

an open letter to Muslims

an open letter to my brothers and sisters in Islam

assalamu aleikum wa rematullahi wa barakatuh

Have you felt the agony of the Ummah?

Have you ever thought why it is that Muslims continue to be persecuted and humiliated even in their own lands.

The reasons are both internal and external.

Internally, we lost our thirst for knowledge, and with it libraries went out of fashion. We were to be the Khalifa of Allah (swt) on this Earth, and that means we were to unlock the secrets of the Universe, but we left that task to others. We were to make and keep ourselves strong, but we neglected that, too. Instead an elite took over which revelled in artificially high-sounding titles and a fancy living which had no bearing on achievement. In addition, the Muslim people became divided. First on sectarian lines, then on ethnic and linguistic ones. Of course, this was preceded by, or went hand in hand with, intolerance, injustice and torture.

Externally, our enemies, and let us be clear, despite protestations to the contrary, we do have enemies.

Internally, we have to realise that sectarian divisions have come to stay until the advent of the Mehdi. We have to [i]tolerate and even strengthen[/i] each other. The Taliban were overthrown in Afghanistan only because the US was able to recruit the Northern Alliance. Why did the Taliban take on everyone, is something that is beyond my comprehension. India was able to invade and bifurcate Pakistan because the Bengalis had become estranged from the West Pakistani elite. The US is able to be in Iraq because of the alienation of the Kurds and the Shia from the Sunnis.

The grievances of ethnic or other groups residing within our territories must be rectified, and they should be allowed to participate fully in the affairs of the state. Injustice, or perceived injustice, leads to treason.

Of course, if the message were conveyed properly and internalised, the tensions would lessen, if not altogether disappear.

We must struggle to establish the humane values taught by Islam. We must force our rulers to give up torture and arbitrary detentions. We must highlight their corruption, and their investments in the West, which are largely from funds stolen from us.

And now the external enemies: The first among these are those Jews who corrupted their own Scriptures, and then entered Christianity through Paul to change the teachings of Eisaa alehis Salaam. They knew from their own Scriptures that the last prophet [saw] will be born among the Ismaelites. Those who had killed thir own prophets, who had defied the greatest of their prophets, and who had even mocked the Almighty, would not be content. So they tried their tricks, and as predicted by the prophet [saw], the Ummah split into many sects. They are now spearheaded by Israel, the Zionist entity.

The second enemy is the Crusader enemy, who is bent upon destroying Islam and Muslims. Of late this has been re-inforced by the Fundamentalists among them, who see the establishment and strengthening of Israel as preliminary to the second coming (of Jesus).

The third is the secular irreligious trend. Since their view does not incorporate a final reckoning, their compass is lopsided only towards economics, although they will use red-herrings to divert our attention from their actual purpose (of domination and control).

All these three respect only worldly power, and they have recruited the US to be their leader. But here again, the ex-colonial powers are not idle. They want a piece of the cake, too.

And is that all?

No, watch Russia, India and China.

China controls Sinkiang, a province with a huge Muslim population, and her efforts are to keep this under its thumb. Russia and India similarly have large Muslim populations, and see how they have come together in a pact which is directed agaisnt their Muslim populations.

And the cake is control of the massive wealth in lands where the Ummah is concentrated.

What then is the way to defeat these imperialists in a new guise, who will increasingly rule by proxy, through vassals, for they have no appetite for losing their own men to liberation movements?

Western Europe, the US, and to a lesser extent, Russia, cannot take large losses in men. If the methods used are abhorrent we should not aquiese in them. However, it is true that if these result in losses of the imperialist crusaders' armymen, they will lose their appetite for their adventure. We should therefore express disapproval of the forbidden methods used to dislodge the invader and occupier armies, but we should not help these enmies of ours as long as they occupy or control (through proxy) our lands and our resources.

However, it is not necessary that enemies remain enemies. When the truth is presented, many souls will be won over to the Truth, and that is our primary aim in life: to present Islam to the non-believers. The most important reason for our misery is this neglect of dawah.

So, gear up for dawah

1 Comment:

FaceTheTruth said...

Brother PD Re: an open letter to Muslims Name: FaceTheTruth 19/6/2005(8:47) GMT

Assalamu Aleikum Brother PD.

I enjoyed reading your post.
I don’t agree with all of it, but I applaud your restraint
in pointing out those feelings you have without delving
into a “Jihad” stupor.
It was well thought out, mature and deserving of attention.
I would like (if I may) to ask for some clarification if I

When you speak of the overthrow of the Taliban, your tone
sounds “regretful” that the Taliban are no longer in
power? Is that how you feel? If so, why?

Secondly, you say: “The second enemy is the Crusader
enemy, who is bent upon destroying Islam and Muslims.”
I believe I know of whom you speak, but could you clarify
and give explanation?

Lastly, the way I understand you in this paragraph when
you state: “If the methods used are abhorrent we should
not acquiesce in them. However, it is true that if these
result in losses of the imperialist crusaders' army men,
they will lose their appetite for their adventure. We
should therefore express disapproval of the forbidden
methods used to dislodge the invader and occupier armies,
but we should not help these enemies of ours as long as
they occupy or control (through proxy) our lands and our

What are you speaking of?
Suicide bombers?
If you are indeed speaking of the use of suicide bombers
and Islam’s stance against such acts, are you condoning
that we should simply “look the other way” accepting a
terrible sin as justification to eject occupying armies in
Iraq and Afghanistan?

Also in Palestine and where ever else a radical element
might feel such actions are somehow permissible.

Even if the target is a Mosque or a Church?

Peace Brother.

Caution and Comments

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