Friday, June 2, 2006

A price worth it!

sacrifice of half a million Arab children"We Think the Price Is Worth It" - Secretary of State Madeleine Albright (5/12/96)

The Americans and Israelis publish life histories of their dead, punctuated with accounts by the near and dear ones, as to what the deceased was, how he/she lived, what his/her aims were in life, etc., while the victims of their aggression often go unnamed, without even deserving a body count.

We don't do body counts - Gen. Tommy Franks, US Central Command

We don't do body counts on other people" - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld

Why don't the allied countries count the civilians they kill?

According to Prof Herold, the answer is simple:

They just don't care

but someone cares:

Iraq Body Count


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