Sunday, October 1, 2006


Always make a great noise and you
will be noticed. Always shout
the other fellow down, especially
the dull and the ignorant, they are not
worth listening to.

Always mix with loud and aggresive persons.
Compare yourself constantly with others,
and make sure that you're on top. There wil always
be lesser persons than yourself to beat.

Be careful in business and make sure you crook
the other person first. Be blind to virtue,
it only covers the guilty heart.
Don't be yourself, be whatever is expedient.

Be cynical about all things, especially love.
Don't give in to old age, keep pushing. You may be
a child of the universe, but the only right you
have to be here is at the expense of the other man.

With all it's glitter, money, palaces, fast women,
smart clothes, good food and wine,
the world is a pretty rotten place,
so keep screwing it up,

and above all - show a profit.


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