Thursday, November 9, 2006

The missing trillions

When the Democrats vacated the White House, there were 5 trillion dollars surplus in the US Treasury.

Six years later, with bipartisan support, that five trillion is gone. At the end of 2005, the US foreign debt was $3.7 trillion. By the end of 2006 it would be more than $4.6 trillion:

The Outstanding US Public Debt as of 09 Nov 2006 at 12:38:54 PM GMT is:


The estimated population of the United States is 300,183,662
so each US citizen's share of this debt is $28,638.56.

The National Debt has continued to increase an average of
$2.19 billion per day since September 29, 2006!

The US has fought wars in this time to the tune of 1/2 a trillion in direct costs, and much much more in indirect ones. Let us say a cost of one trillion dollars.

Congratulations, US! I am sure anyone with a little common sense would have been able to provide you security at a much, much less price, and instead of you losing world goodwill, would have been able to enhance it.

This of course does not count the loss and destruction:

o of lives,
o of infrastructure,
o of peace,

but then the US doesn't do body counts, nor estimate the cost to others of its wars.


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