Thursday, April 5, 2007

good videos

Information Clearing House Videos

K I Umar's collection

Youtube or google these documentaries:

Iraq for Sale
The War Profiteers,
Truth about the Iraq War,
9/11 In Plane Site,
911 Mysteries,
Iraqs Missing billions,
Real War on Terror,
One Nation Under Seige,
Baghdad ER-Brutality of Iraq war,
Iraq the Hidden Story,
War is sell,
When I came home,
The Ground Truth the Human Cost Of War,
Dispatches Iraq The Womens story,
Fallujah The Hidden Massacre,
Global Nuclear Cover Up,
BUSH Nazi Crime Family History,
Crack the CIA

US Army General Says Flight 77 Did Not Hit Pentagon,
War for oil,
End of Suburbia,
Iraq veteran speaks out on war crimes,
matrix of Evil,
The Clinton Chronicles,
Comspiracy of Silence,
Doomsday Code,
The World's Most Criminal State,
Improbable Collapse: The Demolition of our Republic,
Cambodia the Betrayal,
Breaking the Silence,
Stealing a Nation,
Death of a Nation
Paying the price killing the children of Iraq,
The Mena connection,
The New Rulers of the World

money files

national debt clock

Ihe imminent collapse of the dollar


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