Thursday, May 24, 2007

for shifa and any other need

After praying the Fajr Sunnah and before the Fajr Fard, you recite the duroode Ibrahimi (that we recite in the last rakaah) odd number of times. I have finally settled on one as in winter the time between the Sunnah and Fard is very short. Then Ta`awwudh, and then Surah Fatiha with complete Bismillah 41 times, then duroode Ibrahimi again (the same number as before), and then you blow upon the patient, and then you pray the Fard part of Fajr. Then, of course, do your usual dhikr after the Fajr Salaah. All this time nothing else is to be spoken. This is to be done for 40 days.

If it is Allah’s will, the patient will recover. In any case, the suffering will be gone or considerably lessened, insha`Allah.

You can use this for any jaez need or wish.


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