Friday, December 12, 2008

prove the case against Jamaatud Dawah

Pakistani government, succumbing once again to non-Muslim pressures, has banned Jamaatud Dawah and sealed all their accounts and offices, arresting many of its office holders, leaders and activists.

The UNSC has banned four individuals of JD. The interesting bit is that one of those banned, Haji Muhammad Ashraf, died six months ago.

The other interesting bit is that no evidence of involvement of JD or its leaders in terrorism has been provided. India keeps saying that evidence of their involvement has been found, but that evidence does not see light. Obviously this is just pressure, and the Pak government, always eager to please its non-Muslim masters, dances to their tune.

Just half an hour to one hour ago, Fazlur Rehman, chief of JUI has asked the same question. Where and what is the evidence


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