Sunday, January 25, 2009

why Israelis are proud

Of killing more than 1400 Palestinians, overwhelmingly civilian, 410 of them children. Must be proud of using Phosphorus bombs, like they were proud of using cluster bombs in Lebanon.

(10 pictures)

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Amal Abed Rabbo, two, pictured after she died in an attack at the village of Izbit Abed Rabbo, on January 7, 2009. According to her father Khalid, 30, Amal and her sister Souad, seven, were killed by gunfire from an Israeli tank after soldiers ordered the family out of their house. Another sister, Samer, four, survived the attack but is paralysed below the waist. “Amal was just learning to talk,” said Khalid. “I want to know from the Israeli army: why did they kill my daughters?”
Photograph: Family photograph

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