Tuesday, March 28, 2006

dacoity at mother's house

Yesterday, March 27, early morning, three dacoits with pistols and TT entered my mother's house, beat up my brother and the servant, locked everyone in a room threw everything on the floor to see what valuables there were, and made away with everything that could fetch a price.

When throwing books, they also threw the Quran on the floor. My 90 yaer old mother couldn't stand it and protested: "You are Muslim, and you are throwing the Quran?" Back came the answer: "So what! we are Kafir!"

They were Pathans, between 20-25 years of age, most certainly from Muslim backgrounds.

Mother, 90 years old, the shock, the trauma!

1 Comment:

Traveller said...

as salaamu 'alaykum,

that is absoloutly atrocious what those men did. may Allaah guide them.

I hope your mother, brother and everyone else are okay after the ordeal.

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