Friday, March 10, 2006

Thanks Exseno & NancyB

NancyB reports Exseno's bewilderment and her appreciation of Pakistani bloggers in the Action Group Against Blogspot Ban in Pakistan. See:

Your Friends are starting to Notice Your Blogs aren't around

Exseno, thanks, and what is your email, your blog, etc. so that we can let you know that there is a way to read our blogs.


I am bewildered, dazed and confused, but most of all disappointed and hurt that Pakistan saw fit to block there own bloggers from posting or even viewing there own and other blogs.

Some of the nicest and most interesting blogs that I thoroughly enjoyed visiting where those from Pakistan. They were all written by highly intelligent and interesting people. One that I can think of was particularly enjoyable. It had wonderful stories of this persons travels in their own beloved country, Pakistan.
Their writing was so descriptive and beautiful that I felt as though I was taking these wonderfully enjoyable trips with them. You will be dearly missed!

There were no blogs that I read from the people of Pakistan that were offensive to their own country, but instead they were informative interesting and helped people like me ,to know of and understand things about there holidays , customs and religious beliefs for which I am very grateful.

For some of us that are not as lucky as others to be able to travel and visit other countries blogging is the only way to get to know each other and try to understand each other. It is a wonderful way for some of us to make new friends around the world. To the government of Pakistan I ask that you please reconsider and allow it to continue.

If only the government of Pakistan could realize that most of their bloggers have helped not hurt their country. They have been the best ambassadors that they could have.

I can only hope and pray that the government of Pakistan in their wisdom, will realize that if this ban has arisen from someone posting something unpleasant, that everyone should not be punished for the actions of one.

And since I have no other way to convey this message I hope that someone, somewhere, someplace with the knowledge or the power that I do not have, will find this post and do something to help.

1 Comment:

EXSENO said...

I am very proud of those of you who have kept on posting in spite of the pressure that you are under.
I am having no trouble at all viewing your blogs. So I hope that gives you some encouragement to keep on blogging.

My prayers are with you.

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