Thursday, August 30, 2007

Big is not always desireable:

The conventional wisdom underlying the US of A is that big is good. Hence the emphasis on macroeconomics - displacing and destroying livelihoods of people with lttle say - the indigenoue cultures of peoples of the Amazon, Indonesia, and before them, the Indians.

But big is not beautiful- Pollution on a small scale is abd enough, but pollution on a large, collossal scale is deadly. The destruction, in the name oil, of the livelihoods of the people of Indonesia, Equador, Colombia, to name a few, is evidence of that.

But the West's, particularly the USA's, lust for oil and other mineral resources ahs led to environmental, ecological and huma disasters on a world scale.

It is small consolation that when the world is cooked by the dents in the Ozone shield, the people in the West will also suffer.

There should be a curb on lifestyles that destroy the environment on a large scale.

There should be a limit on the size of cities.

There should be a limit on every endeavor that causes a change in the structure or topography of a land.

If I remember correctly. I read somewhere that the Prophet (saw) said that when your cities become large, move and found new cities.


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