Saturday, August 25, 2007

Collossal Squid

990 lb Collossal Squid caught live

990 lb Collossal Squid
The squid tried to eat a Toothfish caught on a Toothfish trawler line. He won't let go eevn when he was being hauled up.

A large Pantagonian Toothfish

The Collossal Squid again

The Colossal Squid is caught by longliner Isla Santa Clara. Photo by Ramon Ferreira Gomez.

The head and tentacles of the squid. The vast mantle could not be bought on board. Photo: Ramon Ferreira Gomez

Collossal Squid tentacles: (2nd of 2)
Colossal squid have well-armoured tentacles. The photograph shows the sharp, swivelling hooks on the ends of the tentacles.

A previous catch:


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