Wednesday, May 17, 2006

alHamdulillah, a freak storm

Thank you all for your duas!

Last evening, 16th May 2006, a freak, totally unexpected, out of the blue, and furious storm hit the entire Northern Pakistan. It started as a dust storm, but was soon accompanied by thunder, lightening and rain. The regions lashed by it included the twin cities of Islamabad and Rawalpindi, the Potohar region, the NWFP, Northern Punjab and Kashmir. Thus it lowered the temperatures and quenched the thirst of the parched Earth in these areas.

Allah alone is worthy of praise, Who listens to His servants' supplications, and eases their burden.

O Allah! grant us more rain, and bring it to the other parts of Pakistan, and India and Afghanistan, too, in every place where your created beings are going thirsty.


Please do not stop making duas for more rain.


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