Monday, May 8, 2006

Pakistan wikis

The link below is of Wiki Pakistan - a sort of portal for all things Pakistan, started, owned and administered by Sabahat Ashraf :

Welcome to Wiki Pakistan!

and the one following has been created and administered by KO. It is devoted exclusively to all things tech in Pakistan. You can help by editing, entering information, creating new pages, etc.

all things tech in Pakistan

This is for you to add data on ISPs, for a start. There is other info you can add. You can start a page. You can add data in simple format, and someone else can then put it in a better format for reading.

A help feature has been added by NancyB which will teach you how to enter data on a wiki in three easy steps. By practicing on the wiki you can learn how to enter current ISP data and will also learn the skills to use any wiki, anywhere. The page for ISP info is here:

List of ISPs in Pakistan

Just click on Help which appears on the navigation bar on the left hand side of the page, and you will be taken to a page which will teach anyone who knows how to type how to use a wiki. The page contains links to what is called a sandbox, where you can practice without worrying about mistakes. So please try it out.


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