Sunday, May 28, 2006

Do not despair

The blogs: muslims-r-us and Day in the life of muslim kidz have most of what I had wanted to collect in this blog of mine. Hence I will not be adding much to my blog, unless I get an inspiration.

Like today, when I was thinking of quiting. I have thought a lot about it, and even quit at times, but I have always been brought back by Allah's Mercy. This time I thought I should really give up for good, now that I am older and weaker and with even less sight and more impaired hearing. There seems no point in torturing myself with mistakes I make and them worrying about the consequences. But through muslims-r-us I have again been led to:


where I read this:

The art of beseeching Allah (swt)

Subhanallah, whatever I have been able to do and pass the time in this world has been entirely due to Allah's Mercy, not due to any capabilities that I had. And yet here I was ready to give up. Rabbighfirlee.

So, back to the grindstone, or rather Allah's rahmah :)

1 Comment:

Maryam said...

Salaam. Are you in Pakistan bro?

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